“For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
Matthew 25:35

Feeding the poor: food aid and free education

For the last 15 years H2O-Help to Orphans ry and Alpha Relief have worked together to give food aid to some of the undernourished migrants who live around Um-phang.

mother with her children

Mothers are often left alone for many weeks while the husband is away working on the farms.

These people have all fled the civil war in Burma and have entered Thailand hoping to find a better life for themselves and their families. Most of these people enter Thailand without work permits or visas and therefore fall to the bottom of Thai society.

The only work available for these people is casual manual labour either on the farms or in the factories. When there is no work available then there is no money with which to buy food and these people go hungry.

elderly woman moved to receive food aid

People who receive the food aid are either moved to tears or to shouts of joy.

Each month we provide food aid to approximately 40 families who are in desperate need. The food aid consists of rice, cooking oil, salt, and sometimes vegetables grown at the H2O farm. We also provide free education at our Christian school for the children from these families.

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H2O-Help to Orphans ry (Finland) | Esterpakankuja 7, 29100 Luvia | pw(at)help2orphans.com, ab(at)help2orphans.com | Help to Orphans Foundation (Thailand).
© H2O-Help to Orphans ry (Finland) 2024